Posts tagged ‘love’

The Fitting Room – Staying true to you

Spreading the word of God while being fashionable… awesome!

“The Fitting Room
Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Colossians 3:12

The Apostle Paul uses the metaphor of putting on the virtues like you put on your clothes, but for much of my life I felt more like I was wrestling them on. Like when you’re in the fitting room and your arms are above your head and you start what appears to be a frenetic shimmy into an outfit that should have had an extra button, zipper or should simply be a large. I don’t think that is what Paul had in mind.

My greatest hope is that you will believe how chosen, set apart and dearly loved you are by Jesus. And that in this believing you’ll discover a new set of virtues you don’t have to fight, but simply get to wear.”

This is an excerpt from Kelly Minter’s book “The Fitting Room”.   I always like reading these books and inspirational quotes from   It is just so uplifting makes you want to sing for joy and give thanks and praise everyday.

So I’m giving thanks for life, thanking God for the opportunity to be true to myself and true to His teachings and His values. Remember if you dont stand up for what is true and right, you will fall for anything.

So as you start fresh another day, clothe yourself in the glory of the Lord and let His light shine through you.

Here’s to a BLESSED weekend


Most Men Really Really Dont Understand ….

Should men help out around the house or should they absorb some responsibility.  Zig Ziglar thinks “…there is a significant difference in taking responsibility and offering to help”. 

With Mothers’ Day just around the corner, it was refreshing to see this article written by a man, as it struck a chord with me as I’m sure with most women.  Often times I feel so unappreciated, as a woman’s work in the house never ends, especially if there are kids in the picture.  So I decided to share Zig’s article with you.

Most Men Don’t Understand

By Zig Ziglar

“It’s true.  The typical husband and father doesn’t have a clue as to what the housewife—whether she be full-time or part-time—does to maintain the home.  Ruth Hampton expressed it this way: “The most influential position in the nation today is held by a woman.  She enforces law, practices medicine and teaches without degree, certificate of competence or required training.  She handles the nation’s food, administers its drugs and practices emergency first aid.  She cares for all the physical and mental ills of the family; a man literally places his life and the lives of his children in the hands of this woman–his wife.”

It is, of course, true that many men—and, fortunately, this is increasing, though it’s still far from equal—do help with things around the house.  However, there is a tremendous difference in helping vs. being responsible for.  Typically, the husband asks “What can I do?” when the wife can clearly see what needs to be done.  The husband too often assumes that it’s “no big deal,” that his wife really doesn’t need any help, and besides, he needs to relax after a tough day.  Example: On Monday night, even though she might be a football fan as much as her husband, she’s the one who puts the laundry into the washer, moves it to the dryer during the commercial break and folds and places the clothes where they belong at half-time.  When the game is over, if she’s had any interest in it, she probably takes the dishes out of the dishwasher.  In the meantime, the husband doesn’t have a clue as to what’s going on.  There is a significant difference in taking responsibility and offering to help.

Now, husbands, before you get too upset with me, remember, if the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it.  However, studies reveal that what I’ve said is largely true.  Good luck to all of you.  Husbands, help your wives and I’ll SEE YOU AT THE TOP! “

Zig Ziglar is known as America’s motivator.   He is the author of 30 books .  Check out his latest book, Born to Win.

Remember your expectations for any given situation will greatly influence the end result. I know some men, think the work in the house is a woman’s job.  But I think there should be some sort of partnership.  A partnership can only help to enhance your relationship.  As it can get real stressful, worse if the woman also works 9 to 5, because after all of that your expected to find quality time for your husband.  Tell me, what is your take on this issue?

Here’s to a Fresh Start at home!


The best way to make your spouse and children feel secure is not with big deposits in bank accounts, but with little deposits of thoughtfulness and affection in the “love account.”  ~Zig Ziglar

Love is spelled T-I-M-E for a Child


To all my fellow parents, I thought you might like this.

As I read this article by Zig Ziglar on spending quality time with kids, I realized my morning started out real badly with my son, with him crying and me threatening to withhold games and toys.

Zig says “The way you start and end your child’s day is extremely important because if the day is started and ended properly, the time in between will go much better”. This made a lot of sense, because when I reflected on the other times that I’m gentle and would kiss him and we giggle together in the mornings, things flow sooo much easier.

We tend to make a lot of deals together.  It would go like this..“You know if you go to the bathroom do what you have to do, then I give you a bath, have your breakfast and get dressed without fussing you can take your leapfrog with you to the car”.. stuff like that.  And it usually works most of the time.  There’s still a little fuss, and I’ll remind him of the deal and what he has to lose.  He would then say “mommy was I good, see mommy I making a deal” 🙂 which makes me soo proud.

I mean, I understand, with all the stress that we go through, we tend to get a little course with them.  We take out our frustrations on them, we rush them, we get impatient.

But here’s Zig Ziglar’s suggestion, which I absolutely agree with, and hope that you will try from now on.

He says “At bedtime, take your child by the hand, lead them back to the bed, tuck them in, then chat with them for a while.  For a child, love is spelled T – I – M – E, and your child is more likely to open up and reveal his/her heart just before they go to sleep than at any other time of the day.  Ten to fifteen minutes can make a big difference in the bonding process with your child by giving them that precious assurance that they are deeply loved, that you have time for them and they are more important than ten more minutes of television.  Try this approach and I’ll SEE YOU—and your child—AT THE TOP!”

All the best to you in your continued bonding process, and remember with kindness as your guide you will never lose your way.


I am Blessed

Soooo, I’ve been busy planting and watching my flowers and plants blossom.   So when I saw this weekend thought today from my friend, I knew I had to pass it on.

I mean,  its such a blessing to see God’s creations flourish.  Even better when you know you had some little part in it.

As I toil everyday in my garden, ploughing through the soil, watering, pruning I feel blessed that they have survived even the plants that struggle; with a little extra love and care they usually make it.  As another friend told me, “…when you start a garden you have to nuture it, feeding, watering, tending it, like a child, until the plants can fend for themselves without your constant care and then they will reward you with their beautiful blooms.”

She is totally right, they are just like kids! Because as parents we make sure to love and guide our children in the best way possible.   And there are moments when you see the results and you know your hard work is paying off.

My four year old is very active and he keeps me on my toes all the time. So I have to always be alert and make sure I’m instilling the right values and attitudes and also portraying them.   And I know those of you with adult children who turned out wonderful and even better than you expected; you cant help but give God the glory because He was definitely there with you guiding you through.

Just know that there will always be this war within you between good and evil, but we have to always strive to give God,  our families, friends and the world the best of ourselves in everything we do.

“Life is like a garden so be careful of the seeds you plant today:

* If you plant honesty, you will reap trust
* If you plant goodness, you will reap friends
* If you plant humility, you will reap greatness
* If you plant perseverance, you will reap contentment
* If you plant consideration, you will reap perspective
* If you plant hard work, you will reap success
* If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation”

As you enjoy this weekend thought, reflect on your life and your actions and ask yourself, What kind of seeds are you planting TODAY?

As always be Empowered and Inspire to Succeed.


A few weeks ago, I went to my son’s PTA meeting and the President of the PTA started out reading a list of commandments I might say, that really got me thinking.

It was soo powerful I decided to look it up after sharing with a friend, and found out that it was written by Dr. Kent M. Keith a dynamic speaker and writer whose mission is to help people find personal meaning in a crazy world.  He is known nationally and internationally for writing this book “The Paradoxical Commandments”.  It has been used by business leaders, military commanders, government officials, religious leaders, university presidents, social workers, teachers, rock stars, parents, coaches, and students. Even Mother Teresa thought the Paradoxical Commandments were important enough to put up on the wall of her children’s home in Calcutta.

So I thought, why not share with you guys.  We all need the help anyway.  What if we had to recite this just before we are to face each day, do you think it would help?

The Paradoxical Commandments
by Dr. Kent M. Keith

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you will win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

© Copyright Kent M. Keith 1968, renewed 2001

And I would add this line that the President read, that is not in the original “Paradoxical Commandments” –

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;

it was never between you and them anyway.

So go ahead, and pledge to be the best that you were always meant to be.


Everyone procrastinates. We put things off because we don’t want to do them, or because we have too many other things on our plates. So for the last couple of months I had a lot on my plate, hence my absence from this blog, and a few other ventures that I was involved in.

Putting things off—big or small—is part of being human.  You know, the more you put off something, the longer it takes for you to start back up.  Now that I’ve gotten most things under control, it still seems harder to get my groove back in writing and presenting interesting articles on my blog.

So it got me thinking, its almost the end of the first month of the year, what is it that I’m planning to do for a fresh start, or how do I plan to get my groove back.

Then I found this article written by Christine Kane who is best known for her hip and catchy songs, and the down-to-earth wit of her live performances, her fans, students and clients share that they are inspired most by her message of living authentically, courageously, and successfully.

Christine’s philosophy is that you are the artist and your life is your work of art.

Momentum Mania: How to Get Your Groove Back in 7 Simple StepsWritten by Christine Kane

“….. The truth about momentum is this:

Sometimes we got it. Sometimes we don’t.

Sometimes stuff happens that takes us away from habits that created our momentum. Kids get sick. Knees get wonky. Hard drives crash. You get swine flu.

Any number of things can create a loss of momentum.

But there’s one thing you can count on:

When we’re using “momentum” as an excuse, we can pretty much be certain that we’ve fallen into the Momentum Trap – which is just another snarky perfectionist voice that convinces us to stay exactly where we are mostly to avoid feeling uncomfortable again.

Well, guess what? You’re no longer allowed such luxuries.

(After all, you’ve made it this far down the page in these Twitter times. You must be a committed soul!)

One of the most valuable success skills you can develop is that of getting back up and starting again. So, if you want to get your groove back, here’s a 7-step process to help you re-commit to your goals, dreams, and priorities.

1 – Choose the activity.

This one’s easy. Don’t overdo it and go for everything in your life. Just pick one priority right now.

2 – Schedule a time.
Scheduling a time ensures that you don’t put the activity off because you don’t feel like it or because something comes up. It gets set in stone and becomes just what I do.

3 – Go for Small.

The Momentum Trap makes us set our sights huge in order to “pick up where we left off.”  Don’t play this game. The best way to get your groove back is to experience completion on a regular basis. And the best way to experience completion on a regular basis is to set your goals small. Twenty-minutes is a perfect starting place.

4 – Create the space.

Get the space ready before the time comes. For instance, every night before I go to bed, I create the space for my 6am work out. I lay out my clothes, fill up my Sigg bottle, and charge my iPhone. I call it “creating the space.” Legendary basketball coach Dean Smith called it “putting yourself in a position to win.”

5 – Set a timer.

This is the most under-rated tool of them all!

When a timer is running, you won’t be as tempted to go downstairs to put the clothes in the dryer, or see if the mail has arrived. It’s an effective mind game that keeps your butt in the chair (or on the treadmill) and your focus on the task.

6 – Just do it.

Don’t stop to pause and wonder if you really FEEL like doing this today. Cuz you know what? You won’t! Just walk out the door, or sit down at the desk, or start going through the clutter. Taking action builds the enthusiasm. Not the other way around!

7 – Don’t skip days.

I know. I know. We’re supposed to get weekends off. But if you’re doing small enough chunks of time, then you’ll be able to continue your groove EVEN on the weekends. Taking a day or two off means having to start all over again on Monday. This is why you start with small chunks of time and small goals. That way, it won’t be hard to keep up your practice – even when you would normally want a day off!

**BONUS TIP** Build gradually, but keep your minimum baseline do-able.

“Minimum Baseline” is one of the techniques created by Brooke Castillo in her awesome book, If I’m So Smart, Why Can’t I Lose Weight? It is simply a minimum amount you decide that you will do (work-out, for example) each day. It is a commitment you make to yourself.

So, keep your minimum baseline small, but build your time gradually each week. For instance, add ten minutes to your scheduled time each week – while keeping the minimum baseline low in case you get swine flu and need to take it easy.”

I think this is simple enough and doable.  What about you? What would it take to get your groove back?  Remember the only thing that stands between you and what you want from life, is simply the will to pursue it and the faith to believe that it is possible.

Here’s to a Fresh Start for 2011, Do something different today.


Empower & Inspire to Succeed

How to make a fresh start and receive God’s blessing on it

“What does it mean for you to have a fresh start?  What would it take?

Sometimes trying harder doesn’t work. Sometimes your best choice is a fresh start.

Your first encounter with that may have happened in kindergarten, when you were learning to draw. The teacher gave you a clean sheet of paper, you took your crayon, and proceeded to completely disregard everything she had told you.

When your scribbles couldn’t be salvaged, the teacher either turned the paper over or gave you a new sheet. Time to begin again.

Life isn’t that simple. We singles often avoid setting out anew because it would be painful. It might mean admitting that the status quo isn’t working, which is always a tough thing to do. Or it could mean stepping out in faith, another scary move.

Actually trusting God

Cartoonist Walt Kelly, who drew the Pogo comic strip, once said, “The certainty of misery is preferable to the misery of uncertainty.” It’s true, isn’t it? If your life is miserable, you might desire to stay in a lousy situation that you’re familiar with, rather than face the unknown.

For Christians, the difference is that for God, there is no such thing as the unknown. We may not be able to trust the future, but we can trust God, who does know the future. He is completely reliable.

No matter what our new beginning entails, we need to trust God. Saying it is one thing, however; doing it is quite another.

Working together with God means he is ready to catch us if we fall. Sometimes we surely will fall.

Asking God first

Rather than jumping right in without consulting God about our plans, we should always go to him first, in prayer. We may find that a fresh start is not his will for us. He may be calling us to endure instead.

Often we get no clear direction through our prayers and Bible reading. It’s then that we need to balance the potential gains and losses, and be honest about it. Tilting the odds in our favor because it’s something we really want to do isn’t a good idea.

Optimism is healthy, yet we need to be prepared to handle bad consequences if they occur. Victory is never a 100 percent sure thing.

Making a fresh start means taking a certain degree of risk. That’s always the price when you try something new.

The most famous fresh start

Consider what Jesus said to an old man named Nicodemus, who came to him in the night asking what a person needs to do to be saved. Jesus told him:

“I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” (John 3:3)

Boy! You can’t get a much fresher start than that!

Once we are born again, however, it’s not a process we need to repeat over and over. One time is sufficient. Jesus did not say, “You must be born again and again and again.”

Back to your fresh start

You may be thinking now about some type of spiritual changes you want to make in your life. Maybe your prayer life has gone dry. Maybe your walk with the Lord is not as close as it once was. Maybe you know you need to forgive someone but don’t know how. Or maybe you’ve back slidden in your faith and don’t know how to come back.

The Holy Spirit is our helper and counselor to help us grow closer to God. He helps us understand things we just couldn’t get on our own.

He will speak to you through the Bible, other people, and circumstances.

No matter what area you want to change, if it’s a healthy move, something that will draw you closer to God, you can count on his help and support.

It’s no coincidence that Easter comes in the spring, when the world is welcoming new growth. Jesus Christ gave mankind a fresh start 2,000 years ago.

He can help you make your own fresh start today, if you’re willing to ask for his help.

Taken from


I got this in my email from a very dear friend today.  She has helped to inspire and motivate me on my journey to success as a business woman.  But more than that she has helped to lead me to my faith in God and becoming a better person 360 degrees.

I hope this will help you today through whatever you are going through, and whatever it is that is stopping you from achieving greatness!!

By Victoria and Joel Olsteen
“Today, I want you to know … God’s plans for your life are so much greater than you can imagine.

Whenever you experience trouble, challenges and difficulty — the lemons of life — God’s desire isn’t just to bring you through it or for you to just survive! His purpose is to reward you by making something GREAT out of what seems hopeless or feels painful.

God’s promise is so amazing to us! When we get a dose of trouble, when we get lemons in life, God’s heart for us isn’t to just pay us back. He wants to give us double for our trouble.

Maybe you’ve lost your job or had some really bad financial breaks lately. You can get discouraged and cynical and feel bad for yourself. Or you can trust that God’s going to “make some lemonade”; you can stay encouraged and believe that He’s preparing a much better job for you even now.

Or it could be you’ve had a major blow-up in one of your most cherished relationships. You can cast blame, hold on to your pain and refuse to forgive. Or you can choose to forgive, keep loving that person, and believe that through this misunderstanding God is going to take your relationship to a whole new level of trust and enjoyment.

Whenever you go through challenges, God’s desire isn’t to “reimburse” you . . . He wants to promote you beyond where you were before! Victoria and I want to encourage you today to continue trusting in the goodness of God. He won’t let you down. Continue to put your hope and trust in Him! Expect to come out BETTER than you were before. Enlarge your vision and allow God to breathe new life into your situation.

Stop talking about how big your problems are and start talking about how big your God is! God loves you so much, and I want you to know you’ve not yet begun to see all that God has prepared for your life. It’s so much better than you’ve ever imagined!”

Have a blessed day!!