Posts tagged ‘committment’


“…..Inspiration is typically viewed as something that comes and goes. Some days you “feel it” more than others.

But what if you could be deeply and unconditionally inspired everyday? I bet it would make a difference in the quality of your life. You would probably wake up excited to start your day. You’d get more done, be more creative and feel more of that elusive “flow.” Being inspired also means enjoying the process more, instead of feeling forced and unnatural.

The best part of persistent inspiration is that action tends to be effortless. There isn’t so much trying, rather you’re more simply being and allowing whatever action is natural to flow out from you.


Most of us just wait for inspiration though. We passively anticipate our muse, instead of actively seeking it out.

“You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.“

~Jack London….”

As always wishing you a Fresh Start Everyday!!

Don’t put off until tomorrow that which you can enjoy today!

The clock is ticking, you’d better start living!

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Where There is Life There is HOPE


Thought I would share this article with you guys, as I know its always nice to feel and be appreciated.  How often do you say thank you and actually mean it.  Or do you feel used by your loved ones and unappreciated.

The next time you say thank you to someone, make sure you really mean it, and as Mr. Colan says, start tomorrow by expressing your thanks to those closest to you.


photo by Dominik Gwarek

photo by Dominik Gwarek

Two Words to Motivate

By Lee Colan, PhD.

How do I really motivate my team, my kids, my spouse, my anyone?

It’s an age-old question with a myriad of different answers… too many to even summarize here.

So, in our information overloaded world, let me boil it down to this. If you want to motivate, then appreciate. The two most powerful words for any leader, parent, teacher or colleague are “Thank You!” I added the exclamation point to make sure we really mean it when we say it. Don’t just say it to get something in return—that’s called trading versus thanking. Say it because you mean it, because you appreciate what someone has done, but more important, because you appreciate who they are. We do more for those who appreciate us.

We have an annual day of Thanksgiving but, I challenge you to:

Start tomorrow by expressing your thanks to those closest to you.

Then make thanksgiving an everyday event.

For me, I sincerely THANK YOU for your support and encouragement!

Lee J. Colan, Ph.D., is President of The L Group, Inc., a Dallas, Texas-based consulting firm. Lee’s passion for serving leaders enables him to deliver cut-through-the-clutter tools that elevate leaders and their teams. He is a high-energy leadership advisor, author and leadership expert.

He has built a track record of successfully managing the challenges of rapid organizational change. Lee possesses an in-depth understanding of business, people and organizations. He blends this understanding with his corporate management experience to help leaders and companies grow

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Where there is life there is Hope

TRUTH isn’t a matter of your personal viewpoint…

Learn to see things as they really are, not as you imagine they are.

what lies within us

Wrong is wrong, no matter who does it or who says it.

No matter what you believe, it never changes the facts.

If they are there, the facts always speak for themselves.

The truth does not change because it is, or is not, believed by a majority of people.

If sixty million people say a foolish thing, it’s still a foolish thing.

The sky is no less blue because the blind man does not see it.

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Where there is life there is Hope

Are you Winning the Fight on TOXINS?


Did you know toxins are everywhere?!  How do you we protect ourselves and our loved ones, when the toxins are all around us, the air we breathe and food we eat are being sprayed and laden with pesticides.

Just recently there was riverton-smog-by-william-mahfoodthe Riverton Dump fire in Jamaica.  Lots of communities both near and far were affected.  Lots of school in the vicinity had to be closed.  Increased cases of asthma, “cardiac illnesses, infant mortality, low birth weight of babies, onset of childhood asthma, coughs, wheezing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, burning in eyes, nose and throat and the list continues.  Shocking isn’t it.  But guess what? This is not the only toxins that we absorb in our body.

body cleanse The most heavily sprayed foods are apples, strawberries, peaches,    grapes (especially the imported varieties) and the list goes on.  Do     you ever wonder what’s in your fruit smoothie?  Makes you wonder   huh?

An article by Harvard Medical states that “While some people age healthily, the conclusion of many studies is that, compared with younger people, the elderly are far more likely to contract infectious diseases. Respiratory infections, influenza, and particularly pneumonia are a leading cause of death in people over 65 worldwide. No one knows for sure why this happens, but some scientists observe that this increased risk correlates with a decrease in T cells, possibly from the thymus atrophying with age and producing fewer T cells to fight off infection”

elderly couple_bike riding

Kids are also impacted by the presence of Toxins in the air and in our foods, its common to say that kids have their lives ahead of them to undo whatever unhealthy eating habits they may have.  However, some children do not get the chance to live long enough for that to happen.  The American Academy of Paediatrics note that “Children encounter pesticides daily and have unique susceptibilities to their potential toxicity, … there is evidence showing associations between pesticides and pediatric cancer and adverse neurodevelopment is “robust” and point to a role for insecticides in risk of brain tumors and acute lymphocytic leukemia.”

How can you protect yourself?

–  This means regular exercise – even if it is just 10 minutes a day.  I usually find the 10-minute workouts that I can do in front of my computer in the kitchen.

–  Ensure that your kids are fully vaccinated, (and YOU for that matter), – it is always important to ensure that kids are immunized against infectious diseases and viruses.

–  Step up on personal hygiene; washing hands regularly, cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing or cough in your elbow instead of your hands

–  Eating right –   Lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grain, plenty of water you know the drill.

However, since we know most foods are heavily laden with pesticides and toxins, and the fact that our diets are lacking in a number of essential nutrients, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, Vitamin A, C etc … it is important to also supplement.

Be sure however to speak to your doctor before taking any supplement and ensure that you do not overdose on supplements, as some persons have a tendency to take more than the required dosage.   Make sure also to include supplements that are able to defend against bad bacteria and toxins.

supplementAs keeping our body healthy and protected is of utmost importance it is imperative that we take all the steps necessary to ensure our body is up to par and can handle anything that life throws at us. Are you doing everything possible to win the fight?!  Leave a comment on what it is that you do on a regular basis that has helped you to stay healthy?

Empower and Inspire to Succeed!
Where There is LIFE 
There is HOPE



“Ma-ma does everything for the baby, who responds by saying Da-da first.”
Mignon McLaughlin


The Best Job in the World

This job’s a tough one, Lord,
but the perks are beyond compare.
Who else but a mother
knows the joy of satisfying
a human being’s every need?

Who else but a mother
sees love come alive a hundred ways,
from jelly-smeared kisses and
diminishing sobs
to crayoned valentines
and soggy, shared suckers?”

Thank you so much for this
priceless privilege,
this role so few get to know.
Inadequate as my training,
inept as I might be,
I know I have tenure for life.

Even so, I ask your assistance
in making sure I deserve it.
For a bad mother is the worst nightmare
a child can ever know,
and a good one
a dream come true
to curly up with for life.

–from A New Mother’s Prayers,
by Jayne Jaudon Ferrer

Take time out to express your love and appreciation to your MOM today.  If you were to just say one word that describes your mom what would it be!

Empower & Inspire to Succeed

Where there is LIFE there is HOPE

Get Everything New for the New Year!!!!


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Courtesy of

2014 has passed on and 2015 is now upon us

My Wish for you all

Is to get everything NEW!

A NEW Purpose in Life in which to attack each day with a vision to achieving all your dreams

A NEW Vigor in which to Love and be loved

A NEW Strength in which to grasp all opportunities that will come your way

A NEW Zest for life to be you and be true to you

So as you enter the New Year

Remember to get everything NEW!!

Happy New Year and All the BEST!!!


Courtesy of

Courtesy of

Where there is LIFE there is HOPE –

Just a little Encouragement….

a little encouragement


Every day is an opportunity for a Fresh Start!

Mom Finds Natural Remedy for Autistic Son

This is an inspiring story.  This is how we as mom’s are, we stop at nothing to ensure that our children and our families get the best care possible.

The following is a testimony copy/pasted from a posting made to the Corporate Facebook Page of LiveSmart 360 on 12/13/13 Mom Finds Natural Remedy for Autistic Son

Stay at home mom of 4, exotic pet zookeeper, wife, teacher… and even referee. these are all titles that i accept wholeheartedly. another one is mother of a child with Autism. when the letters PDD were being tossed around, it opened a whole new realm for us.

At first we followed the doctors orders. i didnt know any better, and wanted to believe that these “experts” had my childs best interest at heart. despite going to COUNTLESS therapy sessions, spending TONS of money between co-pays, babysitters, gas money, etc, i was still having to restrain my son several times a week, fight him every moment of every day to take his medication, and witness side effects of these pharmaceuticals. i looked everywhere for help. the information on autism and PDD was overwhelming to say the least. Hell, i even read an article that claimed katsup was to blame for autism! at this point, what do i avoid? Gluten, sugar, carbs, strawberries…. katsup?? what do i add?

A friend of mine who was helping me do research, told me about some beneficial supplements to try. a simple combination of heavy doses of good quality (no preservatives and appropriate peroxide levels) fish oil and a good quality probiotic. This came at a perfect time, as i experienced one of the most terrifying moments of my life. Once again i believed that the doctors were looking out for my sons best interest, and even had some compelling arguments for adding medications…. so i agreed.

Any mother i’m sure can understand the terror of what i was about to go through. my son became completely delusional. he would have black outs, where i could see in his eyes that no one was there. he tried to throw himself out a window….. my 7 yr old son was trying to kill himself!!! come to find out this was caused by hallucinations! i was horrified. TERRIFIED!!!!
i was loosing my son. my 7 yr old beautiful baby boy…..

That’s it i thought, i cannot allow this to happen. i took charge of my sons medical care. the doctors REFUSED to believe that this was a result from the medication, even though side effects were listed in the manufactures information! HOW DARE THEY!!! i was angry. i was appalled….. i was MOTIVATED…. yes motivated to take charge and DEDICATED to my sons recovery from autism.

I prayed and took the plunge. off the medication he went. i weaned him off as fast as i safely could. i put him on Fish oil and probiotics as fast as i could. it was HUGE leap of faith, i noticed a difference almost immediately. i waited to treat with the supplements after he was off the dangerous medication and the potency effects were almost all out of his system. within 24 hrs my son was less anxious, less in pain, and less angry. it just got better from there….. its been almost a year now since I’ve restrained my son. he is so close to being off every last bit of his medication. he only takes 1 now and we are in the process of eliminating it. he craves the fish oil and i we both definitely notice a difference when we get lazy and skip a day. he has gotten so good at remembering to take it himself! he knows it helps! i know it helps!!! shoot even the football coach/friend has noticed a difference

MY SON PLAYS FOOTBALL!!!!! on a team!!!! with other kids!!!!!
he comes to me with problems and questions
he looks at me in the eye……
i see my son behind the label “autism”
i see a bright future for my son.
without the help of my friends who gave me advice and LiveSmart 360 products, i have to say that i would still be in a black hole wondering which way was up and how we were going to manage our lives and my sons future.
thank you livesmart for creating this product to not only help save the health of my family, but save the life of my son!
A most inspiring story indeed.  What say you..



What CHOICE will you MAKE

When you wake up in the morning you have two choices... go back to sleep and dream your dreams or wake up & chase those dreams


“But until a person can say deeply and honestly,
“I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,”
that person cannot say,
“I choose otherwise.” 

― Stephen R. CoveyThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change


 Everyday is an opportunity for a  FreshStart! 

Losing Weight ~ Mistakes We Make

losing weight

Do you keep trying and trying to lose weight and the pounds just won’t vanish? Well, you’re not alone. According to the Boston Medical Center, there are 45 million other individuals just like you spending $33 billion on products promising to help.

Whatever your weight loss goals may be, you can increase your chances for long-term success, if you follow some simple rules.

  • Don’t let the bathroom scale scare you. Muscle weighs more than fat so, that scale you put all your faith in,Losing-Weight-Mistakes-150x150 does not calculate the difference. Put that scale away! The anxiety it causes isn’t worth psyching yourself out.
  • Diet Soda be gone! It isn’t a health drink or weight loss aid and not yet known to be effective for preventing obesity and related health problems, according to the Mayo Clinic.
  • Work out with a buddy. It’s been proven that people are more successful losing weight when they have someone supporting them, pushing them onward, and looking for the same results.
  • Eat before you sweat. Consuming a high-protein meal prior to your work out will boost your metabolism and calorie burn.
  • Heavy or Light – Bigger weights scare most people from even trying them. That’s a loss, however. Heavier weights at fewer reps will burn more calories.
  • Cardio – Is it enough? Most individuals think a daily cardio workout is all they need to lose weight. Strength training is an important element that will aid in burning fat.
  • Skipping Breakfast – Eating protein first thing in the a.m. will help to curb those cravings that hit you mid-morning. Yogurt, fresh fruit, a protein shake, cottage cheese or scrambled eggs will do the trick.

(Original Article taken from LiveSmart 360 Blog,  more interesting health articles available)