Posts tagged ‘self empowerment’

Get Everything New for the New Year!!!!


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2014 has passed on and 2015 is now upon us

My Wish for you all

Is to get everything NEW!

A NEW Purpose in Life in which to attack each day with a vision to achieving all your dreams

A NEW Vigor in which to Love and be loved

A NEW Strength in which to grasp all opportunities that will come your way

A NEW Zest for life to be you and be true to you

So as you enter the New Year

Remember to get everything NEW!!

Happy New Year and All the BEST!!!


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Where there is LIFE there is HOPE –

The Promise of Hope

Below is an excerpt of a message of HOPE I received in my inbox and thought I would share.  Hope you enjoy.

Reminders of Hope in the Strangest Placeshope isnt a promise

“I remember every moment I almost gave up and didn’t.

I remember those days of eating just a muffin a day until that check surprised me.

I remember the searing pain that came when another person looked me in the eyes and said, “You’re not enough” and the joy that soothed me when I later read Psalm 139.

I remember that hope isn’t a feeling. It’s a promise from the giver of life. And the promise of hope was sealed and delivered with the blood of Jesus. That kind of promise is unbreakable.”


Read the rest of Angela’s article here, where she speaks about how hope thrived even when she doubted its existence.

“And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.” Romans 5:5 (NIV)

Where there is LIFE there is HOPE

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Life Begins Each Morning…

“Whether one is 20, 40, 60, or 80, whether one has succeeded, failed or just muddled along, Life begins each morning.  All past days are gone beyond revisiting.  All days that still may come are veiled in mystery.  Each new day is Life and life begins anew with it.  Each night of life is a wall between today and the past.  The greatest fact in life is this, that it is never too late to start again.  However, discouraging your days may have been, keep this thought burning brightly in your mind:  Life Begins Each Morning!”

– L. M. Hodges


life begins each morning


Isn’t this just great motivation to keep going one day at a time.  We’ve all been there, we’ve fallen down, by the time we’ve gotten back up, we are so far behind it gets discouraging.  But keep going, every day is a new day, every day is another opportunity for a Fresh Start.  Never give up.  Life Begins each Morning…

“Every day is an opportunity for a Fresh Start”

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Just a little Encouragement….

a little encouragement


Every day is an opportunity for a Fresh Start!

What CHOICE will you MAKE

When you wake up in the morning you have two choices... go back to sleep and dream your dreams or wake up & chase those dreams


“But until a person can say deeply and honestly,
“I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,”
that person cannot say,
“I choose otherwise.” 

― Stephen R. CoveyThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change


 Everyday is an opportunity for a  FreshStart! 

Learn To Let Go

"Everything Happens for a Reason" - Courtesy of

“Everything Happens for a Reason”
– Courtesy of


“To attain knowledge,

add things every day.

To attain wisdom,

remove things every day.”

— Lao Tzu

What is Your Focus

Focus on What You Want

focus on what matters

“A good intention clothes itself with power.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

Our minds are incredibly powerful. We put that power to work for us when we consciously set an intention to be or do something. Get into the habit of consciously setting an intention for activities throughout your day.

Your intention might support efficiency – for example, to complete a job or project by a specific time. Your intention might support your personal growth, e.g., to undertake a task that scares you. Or it might support more soul connection, e.g., to be grateful for gifts we take for granted.

When we take the time to set an intention, no matter how trivial, we are consciously choosing what we want for ourselves. With consistent attention, your intentions will come to life!

“By becoming a conscious choice-maker, you begin to generate actions that are evolutionary for you.”
— Deepak Chopra

Reproduced with permission from The Inner Journey which is produced by John & Patrice Robson check them out at

Believe in Yourself!

“Don’t ever let someone tell you

that you can’t do something.

Not even me.  You got a dream,

you gotta protect it.

When people can’t do something themselves,

they’re gonna tell you that you can’t do it.

You want something go get it.


-Will Smith

“The Pursuit of Happyness”


Everyday is an opportunity for a  FreshStart! 

Reclaim Your Assertive Birthright!

Being Assertive –  is one of the most important skills you can learn today. It changes the way you communicate, deal with conflict, and your own relationship with yourself.

Being Assertive – can help with your self esteem, it means expressing yourself effectively and standing up for your views.  It does not mean being a pushover and trampling on other peoples rights as you go along.

Being Assertive – is a balance between being passive and aggressive.  If you are passive you tend to be shy and not able to speak up for your rights; if you are aggressive you come across as a bully.  You just need that balance which entails showing respect for others while bringing across your point.

You have the right to change your mind.

You have the right to say, “I don’t know.”

You have the right to make mistakes—and be responsible for them.

Put yourself first!

I could go on and on, every now and again we need a dose of assertiveness.  Sometimes we think we are hurting the other persons feelings, but if we can stand up for our rights and ideas while being respectful we should come away feeling good about ourselves.  And not regretting taking a stand.

So in the spirit of sharing here’s a great book you can read on Assertiveness courtesy of Bookboon.  This is an absolutely free service.  No hidden agenda.

“When we are no longer able to change

a situation

we are challenged to change


Viktor E. Frankl

criticising others - improving yourself_01

Everyday is an opportunity for a  FreshStart! 

Things That Happy People Do

Choose Happiness! “The happiest people don’t have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have.” .. Where are you in this spectrum? Are you Happy, Unhappy or somewhere in between?



There are two types of people in the world: those who choose to be happy, and those who choose to be unhappy. Contrary to popular belief, happiness doesn’t come from fame, fortune, other people, or material possessions. Rather, it comes from within. The richest person in the world could be miserable while a homeless person could be smiling and content with their life. Happy people are happy because they make themselves happy. They maintain a positive outlook on life and remain at peace with themselves.

The question is: how do they do that?

It’s quite simple. Happy people have good habits that enhance their lives. They do things differently. Ask any happy person, and they will tell you that they …

1. Don’t hold grudges.

Happy people understand that it’s better to forgive and forget than to let their negative feelings crowd out their positive feelings. Holding a grudge has a lot of detrimental…

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